Hello, Jaguar Families!
Welcome to the NEW GMRSD PTO Website!
Here we want to provide all families with information regarding our fundraisers, events, and much, much more!
Explore, navigate, contact us! We are here to help our schools, our families and most importantly, our children!
We are you!
The GMRSD PTO is a group of parents working together to provide support for our children and our school community. We provide teachers and children with services/funding that might not otherwise be available to them. All parents, guardians, teachers and staff are automatically members. We require no dues or membership fees, but we do hope you decide to get involved and have some fun!
The Great Meadows Regional School District Parent Teacher Organization (GMRSD PTO) is an independent, non-profit, volunteer-centered organization. Our goals are to support academic and enrichment activities for our students, as well as to fortify the connection between home and school. We work cooperatively with the teachers and administrators of GMRSD to provide educational and fun activities for all students throughout the school year.
The GMRSD PTO is comprised of staff, teachers, and families of the children who attend GMRSD Schools. We especially encourage the families of our students to attend our meetings, to voice their opinions and suggestions, and to volunteer at our various events.
GMRSD PTO is here to enhance the learning environment of the school. The partnership between staff and families’ ideas and commitments are imperative to our effectiveness. At meetings we define our goals and make financial decisions but there are many other important ways to make a difference too. Participation through volunteering at school, raising funds and PTO events & projects is vital to our success. Here are a few events/fundriasers we do throughtout the year...
School Assemblies, Staff Appreciation,
Harvest Day, Spirit Wear,
Trunk-or-Treat, Field Day,
Book Fairs, and Much More…
We meet on a Wednesday nights every other month at 7pm in the Great Meadows Middle School Media Center. You can find our full schedule on our Calendar within our website here.
We hope you take time to navigate this website to find out more about us. Please contact us if you have any questions!